We invite you to join us is in supporting our mission of powering our shared story of world good.

World Good
is a global campaign and collaborative of kindred spirits, friends and endeavors focused on raising consciousness, support and funds to power our shared story of world good.

We’re working on building a more whole, loving and creative world and healing the heart of our humanity at the magical intersection where the living energies of culture, ecology, spirituality, cosmology and the future of our being converge through:

  • Spiritual Leadership
  • Wisdom Education
  • Energetic Ecology
  • Existential Arts
  • Universal Design
  • Energies Research
  • Planetary Healing
  • Regenerative Fundbuilding
  • Societal Meditation

Key causes we’re addressing and activities we’re focusing include:

Strengthening our individual, societal and collective consciousness and context of choosing and powering good in the heart of our lives

Liberating and investing in the emerging energies and foundations of spirituality as a commons for public discourse and bringing collaborative spiritual values to every dimension of our human experience

Mapping and stewarding the energetic ecosystem of forces and the climate of consciousness shaping our humanity, cities, society and earth

Amplifying beauty, truth, freedom and joy through the energies of the arts, language and voicing our sacred stories

Healing the heart and interconnecting energies of our relationships, cultures, humanity and communities of nature

Engaging kindred lives, endeavors and philanthropists in funding and fueling our collaborative purpose of world good

Empowering and inspiring initiating spiritual seekers, stewards, changemakers, creatives and endeavors on our evolutionary way of being through living energies

Exploring and investing in the existential questions and ideas of our time and our future that bring realization into the meaning, magic and mysteries of our universe of being

Designing and researching transformative frameworks, platforms and practices for consciously co-creating with the incoming chapter of our shared story of world good

Cultivating a global collective of world meditators focused on elevating human and planetary consciousness, capacities and conditions into our bright future

We’re here to be co-founders, co-authors and co-creators with our emerging, shared story of human, planetary and universal good.

If our efforts touch your heart, spark your intuition and simply call to you, we invite you to reach out to explore ways you can help contribute to powering our shared story of world good.

In Kindredship,

The World Good Team

How will we help one another and uplift our humanity when we realize the living, collaborative heart of our shared story of world good?

help power our shared story of world good

World Good


Mission of THE HEART

we’re on mission building a loving world through powering energies of good in the heart of our lives


how we’re contributing to realizing our shared story of world good

Give To Support

give to help build a loving world powered by good

” one of our greatest forces of good on Earth is our power to create and make choices grounded in self-initiating spiritual values “

Be A Patron Of World Good

Our Works Are Funded and Fueled By Lives And Endeavors Called To Uplift Our Humanity And Help Build A More Whole, Loving & Creative World For Every Being

Patrons of World Good sense we’re each here to be co-creators with of our shared story of world good, are moved by strengthening energies for good and feel the need of bringing healing and wellbeing to the heart of our communities, Humanity and living Planet.

We call upon you to help us financially fuel the pioneering efforts and energies of World Good in harmony with your financial means.

Your contributions help power
our mission and endeavors including:

The World Heart Project
Work Of The World Healers
Charting Our World Of Energies
Forces Of Spirituality
Energetic Ecology For Earth
Spiritualizing Money


our pivotal work of bringing the healing message and energies of World Good to the heart of our lives, communities and Living Earth

Powering Our Shared Story

Works Of World Good

Work Of World Good

The World Heart Project

awakening as forces of love and investing in the living energies of the world heart

We’re entering into an extraordinary era of living energies that’s amplifying our knowledge, creativity and the potential of a greater regenerative abundance that benefits the whole of our Humanity, Communities of Nature and Planet Earth. While acutely experiencing the…


Work Of World Good

Work of The World Healers

healing the heart of our lives, society and world through powering the work of the world healers

Valuing and powering the vital work of discovering, equipping and strengthening the missions of world healers…

Work Of World Good

The Universal Vision, Wisdom & Design

envisioning the future of our lives, humanity and world and co-creating it together

At the heart of every life, community, city and nation resides a guiding purpose and vision that unites one and all…

Work Of World Good

Choosing Good

enlivening and evolving our powers to choose personal, societal and global good

We all have within us the power to access our energies of goodwill and choose our way forward as kindred beings and citizens of the world. The individual, societal and global choices we make are interconnected…

Work Of World Good

Energy Artists

inspiring culture and arts of the future through consciously co-creating with living energies 

We’re entering into a new era of creative agency, living and being through…

Work Of World Good

Way Of Living Energy

a living practice, path and philosophy for powering our energies of good as a way of being

Our whole story of being and evolving together is our extraordinary journey of realizing, developing, stewarding and co-creating with our unique and universal…

Work Of World Good

Sacred Salutation

building a loving world through practicing the sacred art of amplifying energies for good

An essential force that is missing in our journey and challenges of building a loving world with harmonizing human and planetary relations is…

Work Of World Good

Charting Our World Of Energies

research charting the inner and outer energies and forces shaping our journey of being

Pioneering research focused on charting the ecosystem, design and world of energies shaping our lives and building a body…

Work Of World Good

4 Seasons Of The Spiritual Year

seasonal circulations of energies powering our universal story of world good in the heart of our lives

When we enter into deeper rapport with our higher sense of purpose in life we enter into an expanded realm of meditative agency and collaboration with…

Work Of World Good

12 Meditations On The Heart

societal and solar meditation festivals building the foundations and commons of a loving world

One of the most essential needs in this moment of personal, societal and planetary change we’re experiencing together is to honor, nourish and invest in…

Work Of World Good

Path of Spiritual Being

enlivening the development and contributions of spiritually-initiating lives around the world

Our journey of being is intimately personal and existentially universal and invites us to move ever onward into the heart…

Work Of World Good

Energetic Ecology For Earth

healing our world through stewarding the energies and forces shaping our lives

A diverse, under-realized subjective and objective ecosystem of energies and forces is at the root…

Work Of World Good

Voicing Art In Community

building loving worlds through loving words and art

We’re experiencing a time of transformation, social uncertainty and physical distancing from one another, unlike anything…

Work Of World Good

Forces of Spirituality

intimate conversations and studies into the energetic origins, development and future of our spirituality

As sentient beings, we realize we’re inhabiting a world that’s flourishing with diverse forms of life, consciousness and energy. Realizing who we are…

Work Of World Good

Healership For Our Humanity

powering the mission and work of world healers and bringing healing energies to the heart of our lives

The oneness and togetherness of our Humanity is more than an interesting concept to be placed in the background of our daily lives, our approaches to solving…

Work Of World Good

City And Space Labs

advancing the wellbeing of our world through developing our cities as living centers of energy

The vibe of a city – expressed through its residents, architecture, natural resources, culture, attitudes, enterprises, events – is the reflection of the energy…

Work Of World Good

Spiritualizing Money

liberating the energies and lifeblood of money as a force of goodwill and world good

In our shared purpose and work of building a loving world that nourishes the potential and wellbeing of every life, community and nation, we realize the role money plays…

Together, W’ere Building A More Loving World In The Heart Of Our Lives

Our Shared Story Of World Good…


Is Healing

To wholeness, we are called.
To abundant health, unbound.
To vitality, freed of limits.
A nourishing space of healing, found.


Is Creative

Share our gifts for commons.
Sound our voice for all.
Tap the inner wellspring,
rippling a united call.


Is Loving

Loved ones, youth,
elders, gather ’round.
Diverse communities,
past histories,
future generations,
in relationship
loving and understanding abound.


Is Freedom

Freedom is an idea
whose reality runs deep,
into the fullness of living,
we are called and destined to leap.
Universal values,
choosing a culture of care,
resting in our hands,
if only we will dare.


Is Transformation

Learning, growing, transforming, changing.
In motion unfolding,
we move – as ourselves, as communities, as a world –
with the power
of consciousness evolving.


Is Playful

On a continual adventure,
we wonder and wander –
learning, rediscovering, enjoying.
Hand-in-hand, kindred spirits,
setting out in play
with loved ones,
with living nature,
with our universe interwordly.
youthful eyes and spirits turned
towards new frontiers.


Is Sharing

Giving, sharing, caring, receiving,
watering the dreams and sparks
of our interconnected lives.
Growing in our shared commons,
our shared hearts’ beating
together, each piece,
joining in the inbreath-outbreath current
of life’s abundant exchange.


Is Exploration

The search for how things work,
essential at our core.
The drive of investigating discovery
moving us to explore.
Beauty of nature in bloom,
stirring us to wonder,
the weft of existence on universe’s loom,
beckoning us to ponder.
An open book of ranging worlds,
at home and far afield,
realization waiting to be unfurled,
understanding to be revealed.


Is Diverse

All the colors, all the gems,
all the loves in tow.
All the songs, all the notes,
all the seeds to sow.
We trek together across the skies,
our differences on show,
and natural harmony in disguise
till coalescence brings
the center of our humanity
it is our fate to know.


Is Magical

How magical is life,
accompanying us on our way?
Our inner landscape
and our outer world calling us to play.
These worlds are full of magic
if only we will see.
In beauty, love and livingness,
our spirit is set free.
In being, in community,
in humility and in strength,
the depth of our wonder,
stretches ever forward,
unbound by any length.


Is Kindredship

In honoring,
in celebration,
our kindredship is known.
In friendship,
in shared origins,
our spiritual presence is shown.
In living Earth, in family,
in city, and in state,
in every moment of history,
in every recorded date,
we journey in evolving realization,
that together, we are home.


Is Abundant

Energies unlimited,
abilities oceanic in scope,
resources abundant,
lives yearning on in hope.
Realizations the keys these are
to worlds of plenty for all.
In spirituality’s expanse,
we transcend materialism’s thrall.


Is Being

On the path uniting,
every chapter unfolds the story,
each facet a wider window,
revealing the full glory
of the shared trek
from birth and all on through
to the wholeness of our being
made embodied and true.


Be In Touch

World Good is a collaborative of kindred spirits dedicated to powering good energy in the heart of our world.

To know more and explore ways to help power good energy in the heart of your world,
we invite you to be in touch.



” kindred spirits of world good are mobilizing in collaboration with the heart of our world and there is much noble, adventurous and magical work to be done “