Be A Sponsor Funding
“The World Healers Project”
Healing The Heart Of Our World 7 Days At A Time

We invite you to join us is in financially supporting The Call Of World Good And Work Of The World Healers.

Dear Kindred Spirit, 

We’re sounding the Call of World Good to you with an urgent and heartfelt invitation to join us in supporting the Work of World Healing for the benefit of our communities, humanity and planet. 

Our planet is facing unprecedented challenges and crises that threaten our collective wellbeing and future. From climate challenges to pandemics, from wars to poverty, from injustice to violence to cancer to heart disease, we are witnessing the symptoms of a world that is out of balance and in need of healing. 

We believe that there is hope, possibility and a powerful path forward for a better, more whole, loving and beautiful world. A world where we live in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the planet. A world where we recognize and celebrate our shared humanity and our common future. A world where we co-create solutions that contribute to the wellbeing of all living beings.

This is the vision of The World Healers Project, a global initiative that aims to heal and bring wholeness and harmony to the heart of our humanity and planet, 7 days at a time, with dedicated world healers applying the sacred science and art of healing with living energies for 7 pivotal forces shaping the well-being and future of our world. 

We invite you to join us in this calling and become a financial sponsor and patron of our World Healers Project. Your generous contribution will help us fund our work of healing the heart of our communities, humanity and Earth through:

The Core Of Our Work

  • Skilled, trained World Healers being provided with the capacity to be focused every day on world healing for 7 pivotal forces shaping our lives, society and future. (Ask us about the 7 pivotal forces we’re focusing our efforts on.) 


  • Global outreach and development for mobilizing kindred spirits and supporters around the Call of World Good and the Work of World Healers
  • Training and supporting World Healers who are committed to using their gifts and talents to serve the healing of our world 
  • Developing and sharing educational materials and resources that raise consciousness and support for our shared story of world good and collaborative approach to World Healing
  • Organizing and facilitating online and offline events and activities that bring together world citizens and world healers to dialogue, collaborate and co-create solutions for the wellbeing of our world 
  • Building and maintaining a global network that connects and empowers World Healers and kindred spirts of world good to share their stories, insights, and experiences of healing the heart of our lives, humanity and planet
  • Researching and documenting the impacts and outcomes of World Healing and the Work of World Healers on our personal, spiritual, societal and planetary evolution and wellbeing 

What’s your heart calling to uplift and heal?

If you are someone who feels the urgent ache of the heart of our humanity and world…

If you are a person of goodwill and a citizen of the world who believes we are one human family living a shared story…

If you are moved by being a force of good dedicated to service for the wellbeing of all living beings…

If you are saying to yourself that you have more money than you know what to do with and are wondering where you can direct your funds to make a tangible, profound and meaningful impact in the life and future of our humanity and planet…

In the spirit of healing the heart of our world together, we ask you in this moment to help fund The World Healers Project.

Our immediate funding goal is to raise $40,000 in monthly sustaining contributions ($480,000 annually), which will enable us to make our weekly World Healing Work and outreach efforts with sponsors possible around the globe, as well as raising $4 million as a reserve fund to grow, evolve and scale up our impact for generations to come through the vital, future Work of the World Healers.

You can make your contribution as a financial sponsor here (click here to fund the Work of World Healers), with the opportunity to request that your sponsorship be dedicated to World Healing Work that supports the distinctive causes and communities that touch your heart.

As a sponsor of The World Healers Project, we’ll send you inspiring stories and pioneering research from our World Healing journey and work, as well as invitations to special gatherings and activities where you can connect and interact with other kindred spirits moved by supporting the Call of World Good and Work of the World Healers.

We hope that you will join us in responding to the call of our shared story of World Good and become a sponsor of The World Healers Project.

Together, we can heal the heart of our world, mend the bonds of our humanity and create a better, more whole, loving and beautiful future for ourselves and generations to come.

Thank you for your time, care and generous spirit.

With Love, 

The World Good Team

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the living energy of love is the spiritual balm and consciousness we’re yearning for in our hearts, our communities and our humanity today