Our Mission Is A Meditation
On The Heart Of Our World


raising consciousness, support and funds

to power our shared story of world good.

Will we be able to come together as individuals, with our communities and as humanity to choose good for our world?

We’re awakening to and on the universal path of consciously realizing our shared purpose and story of world good – of who we truly are, why we are here, what we are part of, where we are headed and how we actualize our living energies of good more abundantly for all beings.

In this transformative time in the evolving life of our Humanity, it’s up to each of us to honor the magic our common ground as kindred beings and help one another voice our visions, solve our challenges and co-create an abundant world of good that cares for everyone. 

Our shared story of good serves as a collective heart and center of living energies fueling the “something more” we’re each part of and our interconnected journeys of evolving together to nourish the wellbeing of the whole.

Our mission is born of recognizing that a spark and energy of good exists in the heart of every being, from our individual human being, to the being of a nation, to the spiritual being embodying our Earth.

A foundational truth we stand for is that every being is a spiritual being and inherently good, whether that energy of good is latent, budding, waning or flourishing.

It’s through trusting in and nourishing the spark and energies of good in each life that we realize the purpose, potential and path of our individual and collective being.

World Good is cultivating a collaborative of kindred beings dedicated to practicing and contributing to the art and science of living energies to bring our shared story of world good to life.

Our mission centers on investing in and stewarding three living energies, interconnected narratives and systemic solutions to contribute to building an abundant, loving world powered by good.

Stewarding Our Energies & Story Of Pioneering Wholeness

centers on our shared story of

and powering our heart as citizens of our enveloping universe of living energies

Stewarding Our Energies & Story Of Cultivating Love

centers on our shared story of

and powering our heart as kindred lives within our emerging commons of spiritual beings

Stewarding Our Energies & Story Of Growing Enlightenment

centers on our shared story of

and powering our heart as co-creators on our paths of evolving together through energy

we're working on healing and uniting our world through honoring, circulating and catalyzing the living energies of wholeness, love and creativity in the heart of our lives


We Are Spiritual Beings On An Extraordinary Journey Of Awakening & Enlivening The Heart Of Our World

Our journey of unity, healing and evolving as individuals and as a society is filled with heights of joy, depths of struggle and passages of revelation that awaken our evolving Humanity and strengthen the bonds of our goodness, truth, beauty and togetherness.

We’re each “whole-parts” of a shared universal and elegant story of evolving together that’s emerging and that we’re being called to co-create with.

When we cultivate the heart of our spiritual being and co-create with our common purpose and ground of freedom, love and creativity, we strengthen, heal and unite the heart of our families, neighborhoods, cities, nations and Humanity and build a bright future for all.

It is in our power and hands to help one another choose and enact good for the whole as our way of being.


Our Theory of Good

We Trust In And Stand For The Good In One Another

Our Theory of Good
in the heart of every being resides the living energies of good

We each carry within us the living energies of good for the wellbeing of our world and have to power to choose the path of helping one another or hindering one another.

The way we honor, harness and direct our energies of good and the creative forces of our characters, insights, intentions, knowledge, voices, actions and resources truly matters and makes seen and unseen impacts on the outer and inner dimensions of our lives, communities and world.

Through our presence, acts of saluting and honoring the heart of another and choosing good for the whole, we set transformative energies of goodwill, freedom, love, creativity and trust in motion and contribute to fulfilling one of the greatest missions on our journey of evolving together – building a loving world powered by good.

when we meditate on the living energies at the heart of our being, we contribute to the shared reawakening of the heart of our world

our 3-fold mission of world good

Three Energies Powering Our Journey of Good

Three mission aims and interdependent narratives fuel every dimension of our journey and work of realizing an abundant, loving world powered by good energy. 

Mission Aim and Journey

1st Mission:
Pioneering Wholeness As Citizens Of Our Emerging World Of Living Energies

Our 1st mission focuses on exploring, understanding and stewarding
the energies and forces shaping our lives, society and future as world citizens for the good of one and all

Realizing Our Story of Freedom and World Citizenship

% of Active Energies for Powering Our Story and Journey of Pioneering Wholeness:

  • Energy of Wholeness = 50%
  • Energy of Love= 25%
  • Energy of Creativity= 25%

Mission Aim and Journey

2nd Mission:
Cultivating Love As Kindred Lives With Our Spiritual Commons

Our 2nd mission focuses on developing and building working wisdom and conscious collaboration as kindred lives with our existing and emerging commons of spiritual beings

Realizing Our Story of Love and World Kindredship

% of Active Energies for Powering Our Story and Journey of Cultivating Love:

  • Energy of Wholeness = 25%
  • Energy of LovE = 50%
  • Energy of Creativity = 25%

Mission Aim and Journey

3rd Mission:
Growing Enlightenment as Co-Creators On Our Universal Paths of Evolving Together

Our 3rd mission focuses on growing the culture of a loving world and outfitting our next generations of spiritual co-creators on the evolutionary way

Realizing Our Story of Creativity and World Creatorship

% of Active Energies for Powering our Story and Journey of Growing Creativity:

  • Energy of Wholeness = 25%
  • Energy of Love = 25%
  • Energy of Creativity = 50%

Currents and Communities of Energy

7 Mutual Goals & Streams Of Energy Shaping Our Society & Story Of World Good

Our shared story of good, awakenings of human consciousness, milestones of societal progress and journey of being throughout history into our present and future are shaped by seven mutual goals and currents of living energy.

These natural currents of living energy course through, condition and contribute to the evolving wellbeing of our living Earth, the development of our humanity, transformations of nature and every facet of our personal and collective story of good. 

1st Goal & Stream of “Purpose and Direction”

2nd Goal & Stream of “Love and Wisdom”

3rd Goal & Stream of “Intelligence and Creativity”

4th Goal & Stream of “Beauty and Harmony”

5th Goal & Stream of “Discovery and Knowledge”

6th Goal & Stream of “Dedication and Ideals”

7th Goal & Stream of “Ritual and Organization” 

World Good Guideposts

8 Guideposts
For Navigating Our Shared Story Of World Good

To heal our past, unite our present and build our bright future, it’s essential we strengthen and invest in realizing our commons of universal guiding principles that light our way forward together.

These foundational principles and energies serve as navigational beacons and guideposts on our journey of building an abundant, loving, co-creative world powered by good energy.

1st Guidepost of “Living Energies”

2nd Guidepost of “Collaborative Consciousness”

3rd Guidepost of “Forces of Good”

4th Guidepost of “Harmonizing Culture’

5th Guidepost of “United Humanity”

6th Guidepost of “Synergistic Stewardship”

7th Guidepost of “Sharing Abundantly”

8th Guidepost of “Spiritual Livingness”


when we truly care for
the living energies of good in one another,
we can build a loving world that cares for everyone