Energies, Ideas and Activities For World Good 

We’re cultivating a living network of seed, developing and active works of good dedicated to building a more loving world in the heart of our lives.

Work Of World Good

The World Heart Project

awakening as forces of love and investing in the living energies of the world heart

We’re entering into an extraordinary era of living energies that’s amplifying our knowledge, creativity and the potential of a greater regenerative abundance that benefits the whole of our Humanity, Communities of Nature and Planet Earth. While acutely experiencing the influx of awakening in the fields of computational science, digital technology and artificial intelligence, the unitive field and keynote of our time is the conscious (re)awakening of the heart of our world. This era of (re)awakening the World Heart is inaugurating our next steps on the Way of The World Heart and co-creating as forces of good with the living energies of a more unitive, individualized and universalizing Love. Three forerunning activities of The World Heart Project include bringing the knowledge and shared purpose of our Commons of Beings into more conscious collaboration, cultivating a meditative community of kindred lives proactively bridge building with the emerging Energies of The World Heart and fueling the Work of the World Healers cultivating our current planetary ecosystem of energies to liberate and illuminate our lighted way into our bright future.

Work Of World Good

Choosing Good

enlivening our powers to choose personal, societal and global good

We all have within us the power to access our energies of goodwill and choose our way forward as kindred beings and citizens of the world. The individual, societal and global choices we make are interconnected and set in motion living energies and narratives that have the capacity to nourish or diminish our shared story of evolving together. Our choices have the power to set in motion forces that free our potential, heal our communities and move us towards a world of abundance for everyone or they have to power to suppress our potential and abundance of evolving together. Choosing good is a Community Initiative helping to build a loving world through developing and strengthening our powers to choose good, creating fit climates and conditions for choicemaking and setting in motion forces that nourish our individual, societal and global journey of being rooted in self-initiated spiritual values.

Work Of World Good

The Universal Vision, Wisdom & Design

envisioning and co-creating the future of our lives, humanity and world with universal design

At the heart of every life, community, city and nation resides a universal design, shared purpose and guiding vision that unites one with all. The energy of our shared purpose is what inspires our dreams, unifies our society and leads us into our bright future. The Universal Vision sources principles and energies from the wisdom, art and science of universal design. It is dedicated to grounding and strengthening our role as universal co-creators through proactively envisioning the more loving world we wish to live in and build bridges to.

Work Of World Good

Gatherings Of Good

meditative gatherings with kindred lives moved by nourishing our shared story of world good

The magnetic pulse of our shared story of world good is sourced from circulating living energies of good streaming through our commons of beings and the very heart of our being. Virtual and in-person Gatherings Of Good create a magic space for kindred lives to meditate on energies, ideas, endeavors and practices that are helping contribute to building a loving world for everyone. In our Gatherings, we nourish spiritual friendship, explore our shared story of world good and share perspectives, challenges and solutions in navigating our way forward together.  Our shared sense of purpose of building a loving world together through stewarding energies for good is the beating heart of each of our Gatherings.

Work Of World Good

Way Of Living Energy

 a living practice, path and philosophy for powering our energies of good as a way of being

Our whole story of being, our history, our future and our enterprise of evolving together is our extraordinary journey of realizing, developing, stewarding and co-creating with our commons of energies. Everything in existence is on its unique and universal way of energies… ourselves, our partnerships and families, our projects and institutions, our cities and nations, our communities of nature, our humanity and society and even our planet earth and solar system… each are on their way of evolving as energies, with energies and through energies for the wellbeing of the whole. Way of Living Energy is pioneering a living, evolving philosophy, path and practice for accompanying initiating lives on their way of powering energies of good by co-trekking with kindred beings. Way of Energies designs and facilitates personal, societal and interworldy programs customized with elements of spiritual navigation, wisdom outfitting, energies healing, energetic stewardship, creative meditation and mutual companionship. 

Work Of World Good

Work Of The World Healers

healing the heart of our lives, society and world through powering the work of the world healers

Valuing and powering the vital work of discovering, equipping and strengthening the missions of world healers in their noble missions of powering our energies of good and healing the heart of our lives, humanity, society and Earth.

Work Of World Good

Charting Our World Of Energies

research and studies charting the inner and outer energies and forces shaping our lives and world

Pioneering energetic research focused on exploring and mapping the ecosystem, design and world of energies shaping our lives and building a body of shared resources to guide our journey of building a loving world centered on the principle that our Humanity, our Earth and our Universe are each living energies evolving together as vibrating parts our commons of living energies.

Work Of World Good

City And Space Labs

advancing the wellbeing of our world through developing our cities as living centers of energy

The vibe of a city – expressed through its residents, architecture, natural resources, culture, attitudes, enterprises, events – is the reflection of the energy nature, electricity and forces of the city. It is this living energy and intelligence behind the outer vibe and form that acts as a magnet, attracting different lives to resonate with different cities at different times. Cities and spaces are alive and are calling for healing and help just like we do. Cities are living energetic beings and force centers within our planetary body. They serve as inlets, outposts and distributors for major streams of planetary forces that continually shape and contribute to our shared wellbeing and progress. As living centers of energy, cities generate planetary atmospheres and energetic ecosystems that can affect the health, development and consciousness of lives all over the planet. The health and energetic state of the energy nature, bodies and centers of our cities have the capacity to influence and uplift the wellbeing and consciousness of millions upon millions of lives everyday.

Work Of World Good

Healership For Our Humanity

healing and uplifting our Humanity as a steward of living Earth

The oneness and togetherness of our Humanity is more than an interesting concept to be placed in the background of our daily lives, our approaches to solving our societal challenges and our work of creating a loving world that cares for everyone. Our Humanity is a living, breathing, interconnected entity and spiritual being on its evolutionary journey of realizing itself as a center and steward of creative energies in our living universe. Healership For Whole Humanity is a societal initiative employing the science and art of spiritual healing to study and care for the energetic anatomy, psychological wellbeing and spiritual development of the evolving life of our Humanity as it steps forward on its way of becoming a conscious steward of our living Earth.

Work Of World Good

Co-Authoring Our Story Of World Good

transformative research into our shared story and co-creative plan of building a loving world powered by energies of good

When we discover the idea or realize the truth that a purpose of our being exists, we enter into deeper relationship with the expanded meaning and magic of our shared story of evolving together and being spiritual co-creators with the “something more” we’re part of. Co-authoring Our Shared Story is a transformative research project studying, articulating and sharing the universal design and potentials of our individual, societal and existential stories of good.

Work Of World Good

Journeys Of Transition

exploring the journeys of our incarnations, births, deaths, initiations and living energies

When we ask ourselves the questions, “Where were we before we were born?” and “Where do we go when we transition from this life?”, we enter into an extraordinary narrative and magical chapter of our book of spiritual being. All that we observe in nature is participating in the universal journey and natural cycles of incarnation. From journey to journey, each life is clothed with a garment for a season of experience, development, service and interplay to be followed by a next cycle of release from its valued and momentary form. Journeys of Transition is a research and culture initiative studying and bringing to life the science, art and creative journeys of our universe’s natural cycles of incarnation, change, initiation and transformation to grow our societal understanding of the nature of our existence and evolve the systems we create to help realize the potential of every being.

Work Of World Good

Energetic Ecology For Earth

bettering society through stewarding the energies shaping our world

A diverse, under-realized subjective and objective ecosystem of energies and forces is at the root of many of the local and systemic economic, social, political and relational challenges and opportunities we’re facing as an evolving Humanity. Energetic Ecology is pioneering studies and stewardship of this ecosystem of energies for our choicemaking, leaders, democracies, cities, nations, communities and sacred Earth to solve systemic challenges and help transform and uplift our world.

Work Of World Good

Forces Of Spirituality

pioneering studies into the energetic origins, development and future of our evolving spirituality

As sentient beings, we realize we’re inhabiting a world that’s flourishing with diverse forms of life, consciousness and energy. Realizing who we are, why we are here, what we are part of and where we are headed as spiritual energies is a vital and exciting next frontier and chapter of our journey of being and the emerging science of spirituality. Forces of Spirituality is a future-forward research initiative building knowledge of the origins, development and future of our evolving spirituality and understanding of the spiritual energies that constitute and impact our personal, societal and global wellbeing.

Work Of World Good

Voicing Art In Community

building loving worlds through loving words and art

We’re experiencing a time of transformation, social uncertainty and physical distancing from one another, unlike anything most of us have ever experienced before. Voicing Art in Community is an inclusive, all-generations, community-centered experience of sharing and wielding poetry and art for good. Voicing Art creates a magic space for our communities to come together – in person and virtually from all parts of the world – to nourish our hearts and heal our Humanity by sharing our stories, struggles and care for one another through the power of poetry and art. Every time we share a loving word or visual in community, we build a loving world.

Work Of World Good

Organs of Consciousness

exploring the living vibrations, organs and substance of consciousness

Our consciousness is composed of substantial vibrations produced through the interplay of an initiating energy or force upon its instrument and environments of expression. The extraordinary beauty, diversity and functions of our human consciousness are fundamentally musical in composition, origin and nature. Organs of Consciousness is a revelatory exploration and study into the vibratory nature, significance and science of our evolving consciousness through the medium of senses, sound, art, stories and our odysof evolving together.

Work Of World Good

Sacred Salutation

building the common ground of our shared Humanity

An essential force missing in our journey and challenges of building right and harmonious human and planetary relations is the energy of sacred salutation. Sacred Salutation is an ageless and universal art and practice of seeing, honoring and evoking the energy of good in every life. When we practice sacred salutation as a way of being, the energies of good are circulated throughout our fields of energy and into our ideas, intentions, words, actions, relations and environment to enliven and uplift our world.

Work Of World Good

4 Seasons Of The Spiritual Year

seasonal circulations of living energies powering our shared story of world good in the heart of our lives

When we enter into deeper rapport with our higher sense of purpose in life, we enter into an expanded realm of meditative agency and collaboration with our souls and commons of spiritual beings. When we enter into deeper rapport with the higher purpose of our Earth as an evolving life, we enter into fuller creative cooperation with a vast realm of spiritual energies dedicated to powering our shared story of good for the betterment of all. The 4 Seasons Of The Spiritual Year serve as a common ground to unite as world citizens and changemakers around our shared higher purpose of helping one another explore and bring to life the living energies, ideas and endeavors of the incoming chapter of the World Story of Good in our lives, diverse communities and interconnected fields of living.

Work Of World Good

12 Meditations On The Heart

societal and solar meditation festivals building the foundations and commons of a loving world

One of the most essential needs in this moment of personal, societal and planetary change we’re experiencing together is to honor, nourish and invest in our commons – our spiritual commons that celebrates our oneness, values our diversities and invests in building a loving world that cares for everyone. The 12 Meditation Festivals provide and create a sacred space of 7 days every month to build the foundations and livingness of our shared spirituality as individuals, as a Humanity and as a Planetary community. These monthly planetary festivals are synchronized to the global clock of Earth’s high-energy solar-lunar cycles and center around meditative living to unite and uplift the wellbeing of our world.

Work Of World Good

Spiritualizing Money

liberating the energy and lifeblood of money as a force of world good

In our shared purpose and work of building a loving world that nourishes the potential and wellbeing of every life, community and nation, we realize the role money plays as an instrument of opportunity and progress or an instrument of suppression and regress. Spiritualizing Money is a societal initiative harnessing the science of meditation and power of choicemaking to liberate the spiritual purpose of money. The work of this initiative fuels world good, re-envisions money’s role as a loving lifeblood to nourish the potential of our communities and helps build the health-giving structures of resource sharing and financial circulation that uplift the wellbeing of one and all.

Work Of World Good

Conversations On Universal Wisdom

nourishing the seeds, perennials and potentials of wisdom for all ages

When wisdom wanes in the minds of our leaders, in the hearts of our communities and in the vision for our future, we come to realize its absence and true value. Wisdom carries within its lighted substance the recognition that we are all interconnected and here to help one another on our way of being, guided by a spirit of loving care. When wisdom wanes, poverty, violence, inequity, delusion, authoritarianism, over-consumption, hatred and greed are poised to rise. Conversations On Universal Wisdom offers intimate conversations and experiential learning centered around honoring and sharing the wisdom of our existence, experiments and experience as evolving beings in our living universe.

Work Of World Good

Energy Artists Initiative

pioneering the arts of the future through the way of living energy

We’re entering into a new era of creative agency, living and being through the inner and outer energies and forces guiding and shaping our lives. Energy Artists is developing and empowering the next generations of energy artists of all natures, interests and ages as co-creators of our future in cooperation with the magic of our world of living energies.

Work Of World Good

Path Of Spiritual Being

enlivening the development and contributions of spiritually-initiating lives around the world

Our journey of being is intimately personal and existentially universal and invites us to move ever onward into the heart of our living energies as spiritual beings. Our spirituality is a living energy, shared commons and evolutionary way of realizing and contributing to who we are, what we’re part of and where we’re headed as sentient beings in the universe. Journey Of Spiritual Being is developing and engaging new and bridging pathways for cultivating spiritual navigation, trustbuilding and missions to help transform and unite our world. A core focus of the trek centers on orienting, equipping and strengthening spiritually-initiating lives as living energies on the journey of spiritual realization, collaboration and service.

we’re on an extraordinary journey of evolving together as spiritual beings in cooperation with the spiritual purpose and commons of Earth